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The Evolution of Commercial Real Estate Security

In the ever-evolving landscape of commercial real estate, security measures have become paramount to meet the demands of tenants, investors, and communities. Among these measures, the role of surveillance cameras and video management systems (VMS) has undergone a significant transformation. Let’s delve into the evolution of VMS and how it’s shaping the future of commercial real estate security. 

Adapting to Modern Needs 

With commercial buildings offering a diverse range of amenities, including retail spaces, restaurants, rentals and services, the influx of pedestrian traffic has necessitated a change in how security is managed. Gone are the days when surveillance cameras were solely used to catch burglars or vandals. Today, they also serve as vital tools for risk mitigation in various scenarios, from slip and falls to potential altercations within building premises.  

Multifaceted Security Solutions 

Because of expanded access hours and diverse offerings within commercial buildings, security measures have become multifaceted. A VMS is no longer a standalone entity but is integrated with access control platforms. These integrations ensure seamless entry for tenants and visitors while maintaining a high level of security. Today’s technology allows tenants to use their hand, phone or optical verification for turnstiles, offering frictionless access to building premises while alerting security personnel to any unauthorized entries, thus maintaining a high level of safety within the premises. 

Addressing Emergency Preparedness 

In addition to day-to-day security measures, commercial properties must prioritize emergency preparedness. From fire drills to medical emergencies, rapid response is critical. VMS plays a crucial role in monitoring areas where emergency alarms can be triggered to summon immediate assistance. Furthermore, the integration of gunshot detection technology enhances real-time incident identification, bolstering overall security protocols. 

Transitioning to Evolving Security Requirements 

How does the commercial real estate sector adapt to these evolving security requirements? This adaptation hinges on collaboration with partners who understand the risks and needs of each property. Approaching projects as partnerships and actively listening to the concerns and requirements of commercial real estate clients fosters trust, transparency, and effective communication, laying the foundation for long-term success. 

Using Open Technology and Collaborative Approaches 

Utilizing open technology that integrates seamlessly with existing or selected security technologies is key and an efficient use of resources. Administrators can then manage multiple security systems through a single platform, ensuring ease of use and scalability. A documented roadmap for future developments is essential, guiding partnership decisions and aligning security measures with the property’s specific needs and operational requirements.  

The evolution of VMS in commercial real estate reflects a shift towards comprehensive security solutions tailored to modern needs. By integrating advanced technologies, fostering strategic partnerships, and embracing a collaborative approach, property owners and security professionals can effectively mitigate risks and create safer environments for tenants, visitors, and communities alike. 

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