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The Direction of VMS Technology

Some of the industry trends which have affected technology and deployment design include a dramatic cost reduction in entry level NVRs and cameras. Merger and acquisition activity is reducing the number of independent technology vendors and driving popularity of single source technology providers and server hardware lines by VMS providers are now commonplace, allowing consumers to obtain the complete recording platform from a single vendor.

What might the next few years look like for VMS technology? Herein, we’ll explore trends and the direction technology may take for VMS platforms.

Information Security

Security is the current hot topic for video surveillance and other physical security systems, and for good reason. Several headline- making network attacks over the past few years have been made possible by security flaws in internet-connected cameras and DVRs. One notable, recent example is from late 2016. Dyn, a major provider of DNS services on the internet, suffered a sustained Distributed Denial of Service attack, mainly from compromised IP cameras and DVR/ NVR devices.

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