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Active Shooter: Practical Campus Protection Solutions

The pathway to mitigating threats may include organizational and individual liabilities, in other words resetting the clock. Campus security professionals may need to review physical security protection concepts and CPTED. Also under review may be armed defender options and team configuration, physical security infrastructure and security technologies.

What you will learn from this presentation.

1. Community readiness and protection programs.
2. Safe and supportive campuses
3. Meaningful partnerships and relationship development.
4. Leadership and developing positive organizational culture.

Students First: Improving Student Performance

The Division of Technology for Learning strives to provide innovative technology solutions and support to all Region One departments and programs collaborating with local school districts and to provide technology services, instructional technologies, and eLearning support and services to school districts.

The Division’s offices of Information Services, Software Development, Instructional Technology, and the Center for eLearning are dedicated to helping improve student achievement and success throughout the entire region.

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