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Artificial Intelligence is here. Its’ impact on both physical and cyber security is profound and will increase. This discussion is not about what regulations will or should be implemented or on the societal views of the use of AI. This discussion is centered around the potential benefits of AI when properly and practically implemented.

Traditional legacy systems are policy breach driven. No information is provided to security operations until a policy violation occurs. These systems are reactive rather than proactive.

Risk management is a critical aspect of security operations, as it helps to ensure the safety and security of both employees and the public. One key component of risk management is increasing situational awareness through risk assessment and automated procedures for physical security.

Risk assessment is the process of identifying and evaluating potential hazards and threats that could impact operations. This includes evaluating the likelihood and potential impact of a wide range of risks, including natural disasters, cyber-attacks, and physical security breaches. By identifying these risks in advance, security can take steps to mitigate or prevent them from occurring. Risk monitoring allows you to be proactive.

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